On 17 January this year, we launched a review into the use of the Government Information Technology and Communications (GITC) 4.1 Contractual Framework .
The results have now been collated and analysed. It showed that there is benefit in retaining the GITC as a product/tool available to Australian Government agencies. That said, comments from users indicated that the website is not intuitive, appears dated, the user guides are too brief to be useful, and the document builder is not easy to use.
Taking on board these comments, Finance is considering to upgrade the SourceIT model contract suite for semi-complex procurement by updating the GITC’s website, its clauses, appearance, intuitiveness and user guides, and repackage it as SourceIT.
This action is expected to encourage wider use of the new product across the Australian Government procurement sector; promoting contracting standardisation and consistency across Australian Government agencies, yet still providing a clear distinction between the Basic Contract Documentation Suite contracting framework (for low value/low risk procurement) and the more comprehensive contractual framework of the SourceIT suite.
As usual, we look forward to your feedback and comments by close of business on 15 April 2013.